Saturday, December 17, 2005
Gyahaha....Baru kali ini daku pergi ke bioskop ala Myanmar. Huahua. Menyedihkan, yah? Selama tiga tahun staying in this country of hiphop, baru tadilah daku pegi ke biskop di sini. Bukan pilem baru segh yang kita nonton tadi. Infact, i bet you guys know that film: Transporter 2. The film was OK, but not the situation..Jadi begini.. Sebenernya kita tuh ga ada rencana mo jalan-jalan ni hari. Karena emang jadwal kita-kita (Fa dkk - dan kebo2), untuk hari ini yahh.. Extras dari skolah; renang, tennis, music class.. But yah, emang dari sejak kemaren malem i've been thinking. Udah tiga taon disini, belum pernah ke biuskup sekalipun.. Menyedihkan. Jadilah aku curhat ama salah satu Kk klsku, K'Yuni. Emang dehh.. Kalo udah jodoh ama cinema! Ternyata K'Yuni menyambut curhatanku dengan tangan terbuka lebar (apa coba maksudnya?!). "Kita ke bioskop yuk besok..", begitulah kira-kira yang dia ucapkan. Karena sudah kepunan, so yo wes.. Kita ngerencanain pegi, walopun kayaknya saat itu belum pasti.Rencana pergi cuma cewek-ceweknya doank, tapi entahlah bagaimana ceritanya, it ended up with the boiz around us, wanting to come along. So yeah.. Kita se-RT dah pergi. Namun malang, seribu malang.. Nyampe disana sekitar jam 3.30, sang penjual tiket, dengan muka kecewa, menggelengkan kepala waktu kita tanya ada sisa berapa tiket. "Tiket ma shi bu" (Kagak ada tiket - habis)Namun begitu, sang penjual tiket masih memberikan kita harapan. "Not to worry.," Diapun menunjuk jadwal mainnya film untuk hari ini, yang dimana tertera waktu main berikutnya, jam 6.30. Itu berarti, kalo kita mo nonton di jam itu, kita semua harus nunggu selama dua jam (+-) untuk nonton tuh pilem. Tapi emang dasar udah kepunan kali yah, akhirnya kita nekat nunggu. Beberapa orang survive, setia menunggu disana, ada yang ga kuat (ada janji), akhirnya balik. Buat yang nunggu.. Enggak persis nunggu dicinema-nya sieh.. Pada mencar gitu, ada yang ke warnet, cafe, malah ada yang ngeborong di plaza deket-deket situ (termasuk daku.. huehue =P). Disitulah dompetku perlahan mengempis.., Kurus., Kurang gizi. Menyedihkan. Persis seperti yang punya.Eniwei, akhirnya kita jadi nonton juga. Pengalaman menarik.. Sebelum pilem mule, disediakan 15 menit untuk iklan en 15 menit lagi untuk mengenang sejarah Myanmar. Itu termasuk section dimana muncul gambar bendera Myanmar, which for my surpsrise, muda-mudi Myanmar di samping kanan kiriku langsung pade bediri, ngehormatin tuh bendera. Yah.. Kita (anak2 Indo), ikut-ikut aje. Hehe.Tapi yang paling asoy itu adalah pengalaman buruk 'ga bisa napas'. Busyet dah.. Semakin penuh bioskopnya, semakin bau udaranya. Entahlah bau kaki atopun bau ketek.. Semua bercampur baur menjadi polusi (yang dimana aku yakini) dapat mengganggu kejiwaan. Gimana kagak?! Kita2 ampe stress dibuatnya! Bau banget, brur!But eniwei.. Apart from those thingies.., all went OK. Except one thing..: Dompetku.
me and my BIG MOUTH ;) | 9:47 PM.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Percakapan antara Adekku et Papa.. - Lagi belajar untuk ulangan..Papa: Dek.. Ada pertanyaan nih. Orang mandi memakai...Adek: He..? Maksudnya apa..?Papa: Iya.. Kalo orang mau mandi pake apaan..?Adek: He..? Alat..? Gosok gigi..Papa: Itu mah buat gigi.. Bukan. Pake aer.., terus pake apa lagi..?Adek: Odol..?Papa: Itu juga buat gigi. Itu loh dekk.. Yang biasa dipake orang kalo mandi.Adek: Apaan..? Gayung..?Papa: Aduuuhhhh.. *hilang kesabaran* Emang Adek kalo ke kamar mandi ngapain aja sih..??Adek: Pipis.. Um.. Ama.. *malu-malu* 'e'e.. (i no dat dis should be censored, but.. aww c'mone guys.. he's just a kid!)Papa: Cuma gitu doank..? Kalo mandi gimana..?Adek: Yahh.. Adi mah diem aja.Papa: *Cengo* Kok..?Adek: *Kalem* Khan yang mandiin Tete (baby sitter-na)..Percakapan antar anak-anak IISY versi cowoxPhyo: Hey Dit.. Do you have any Scoobydoo movies..?Adit: Yeah.. Got one. The one with that kinda freaky island. I kinda forged.Sithu: O yeahh.. I know..Ace: Hey.. I love that movie!Sithu: *Kaget* What are you.. A kid..?? That's a totally childish movie, you know!Adit: Hey.. I thought that you havent watch that film, Ace!Ace: Well, i havent. But at least, my father did... *nyengir*Apaan sehhh.?? Perwakilan kaleee.........What on earth is the point, anyway..??Sometimes i think boys are impossible... Eniwei, lanjuuuttt..Phyo: You know, i really like chick with nice pussy.All of the guys (except Sithu): *Laugh*Ace: Yeah.. Me too. A nice chick with a nice pussy... You know what i mean, right..?!Sithu: Aww.. Man! You're psychos! I dont know that yall like pussy cat..Honestly.. Did he really say that..? XP *lolz* Lanjuttt....Phyo: You cant really get it.. Can you, Sithu?Sithu: What do you mean..??Phyo: For example.. Take the easy one.. What is FBI..??Sithu: Easy man! Female Body Investigator..! What do you think i am..? A chum?! Boys.. Who could figure 'em out?! *lolz*Warning : This is just for fun.. =P
me and my BIG MOUTH ;) | 11:18 PM.
Monday, December 12, 2005
It seems like, all of these years I've been too fond with my Nannies. I don't see why is it impossible for me, though. Well the thing is.., they've been great, you know.., although I know they like gossiping. Well.. What's wrong with gossips?! I do like gossips too! As a matter of fact, it's been my snacks since I started to attend skewl for the first time; well, as far as I remember.., since I started socializing with all of my besties.
Back to my Nannies.. I've never take any interest.., I mean.. I've never really care about them before. It was just yesterday when I realized about how much they care about me. How loyal they are. I think you would also say so if your Nannies wouldn't protest you even if you wake them up at midnight just to ask them to accompany you to do your home works, or cook a late-dinner for you if you come home late at night. Or if they kept staying awake till midnight when you're get down some which makes you cant close your eyes even for a second and made you a cup of hot chocolate. Well.. That's my Nannies.
You see, one of my Nannies was helping me to make out my room yeterday, when I tell her about my mid-test. Then I realized how young she is (well.. she's older than me, but.. hey, she's still in her early 20s). Her name is Tete (jangan jorokz yahh..). =P
Tete: Kaka, examination tomorrow, lhar? Kenapa ga belajar?
Me: Later.. Just refreshing.. I've been studying for three hours, you know!
Tete: *Laugh* Nanti Ibu marah..
Me: Phibi le kwa! (Udah lagi..!)
Tete: Tete Auntie also angry if Tete no belajar. Pukul-pukul *tangannya dikebas-kebaskan.. kayak lagi mukul seseorang*
Me: *Laugh* Kok Anutie?
Tete: Auntinya teacher lhe..
Me: Ooh..
Tete: Last year Tete mau pulang.. Fa ra thide, no? (Fa ra tau khan?) Ibu bilang ga boleh.. Papa Tete marah lhe..
Me: Kok marah..?
Tete: Tete suruh pulang.. Sekolah lhe.. University.. Tete already make assignments for University.. Tapi Ibu say cannot go.., because Ibu no Nanny, lhe..
Me: Oohh.. *ngangguk-ngangguk*
Tete: So, after this.. Far a pulang Jakarta, no? Tete go back.. University.. Tete mo cari kerja.. *nyengir*
Begitulah. She's still willing to work here, in my house, even when she had to went back to her place to attend the University. I heard that she even had a conflict, once, with his Daddy when she said she wants to gets back here. You know, somehow I feel gulty.. *Terharu*
me and my BIG MOUTH ;) | 4:36 PM.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Percakapan anak-anak IISY..Tika: Gimana sih donor darah tuwh..?? Aku pengen dehh.. Tapi masih belum boleh, khann..??Nurul: Yah.. Pastinya sih lemes habis itu.. Neneng: Ya iyah.. Tapi khan dikasih makanan habis itu.. Iya khan?? Eh.. Caranya itu sama kayak kalo test darah gak sih?K'Lisa: Kayaknya sih iyah.. Itu khan kayak gue waktu ginjal itu. Duwh.. Diambilnya banyak lagi.Fa: Iya ya.. Lemes banget khan..?! Sama aja lagi kayak Fa waktu perut Fa kambuh waktu itu.. Beneran lemes dehhh.. Tuh orang ngambilnya gak ketulungan! Mbok kayak Dracula ngambil banyak-banyak!Lisa: Iya tuwh.. Gue pas ginjal juga!Nurul: Kayaknya saya juga pernah deh pas Tiphus..Fa: Fa juga khan.. Pas kambuh perutnya..K'Yuni: (Nyeletuk tiba-tiba) Iya tuwh.. Gue juga.. Pas creambath..Kita: Bengong...........................................................................................................Percakapan antara Ibu dan anak..Ibu:Fa bawain ini donk.. Bantuin Mama..Anak: Bentar donk Ma.. Fa khan juga udah bawa ini.. Nyuruhnya banyak amat..Ibu: Iya donk... Anak khan emang pembantu..Anak: Huh?!Ibu: Emp.. Maksudnya pembantunya orang tua..Keadaan kritis bokap dan anak..Anak: (Meluk adeknya)Adeknya si 'Anak': (Tereak *nangis* mendadak kayak orang di perkaos cuma gara-gara gak mao dipeluk)Bokap: (Tereak, urat menegang, nunjuk si 'Anak') HUEEEEE KAMU! *nunjuk si anak* AWAS KAMU! UDAH MALEM MASIH CARI GARA-GARA AJA! Anak: (Dalem hati) What in the name of GOD is wrong with him?! (Mendadak membenci si adek yang emang terkenal bisa akting nangis)Adek: (Diem, pura-pura marah) *1 menit kemudian* (Takut-takut.. Ngomong ke si kakak) Nih kak.. Mau bantal guling, gak?Anak: (Melotot ke sih adek)Keadaan kritis gue dan kawan-kawan..- Bad relationship with two guys..
- Diem-dieman sama temen satu genk..
- Bad tempered sama semua orang..
- Bikin salah lebih dari 10 kali sama temen sekelas dalam satu hari..
Family and me......
- Bokap yang lagi bad tempered.. Kayak ngajak tawuran aje..
- Nyokap yang lagi moody..
- Adek yang susah diatur.. Dibilangin susah.. All the things i said to himalways had backfires on me..
- Adek yang kecil-kecil udah pinter akting.. Selalu ngejebak kedua kakaknya dengan tangisan 'palsu' nan 'berbahaya'-nya itu.. Dan (yang paling menyebalkan) tambah manja!
Perfect, huh..?!
That's my life.......
Keadaan semakin memburuk disaat-saat menjelang kepulangan.. I think it'll get worst once i arrive in Indonesia..
I know i love them all..; My parents and my friends..
But i also hate them like hell..
Dont know what is it actually happening with me..
PS. Dont take it seriously.. After all.. Im just a kickarse in this livin hell planet of sh*ts..
me and my BIG MOUTH ;) | 6:32 PM.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
I just lost two of my buddies. It was all happened because of me. I dont know what have gotten into me on that time. I just lost it. I just went all blankies and yeah.. That's how it started.It's not really nice. Infact, it was very very bad of me. I bet i looked like a bozo on that time. I lost control.., i punched them. I shouted at them.. I cried. Haha.. It's actually funny if i flashback-ed the time i went a total bozo. But, since i know the damage I caused.., it looks funny no more for me. It was no a big deal. It's not their fault. It was my fault. O well.. I just hope that they would forgive me.. Cuz my 'ego' rate is too high, and i cant help it but feeling so ashame to apologize. Sorry.= Cofession of a kickarse in a livin' hell skewl of sh*ts. =
Im really sorry. Just forget about all the things you just read. Ini cuma uneg-uneg Fa aja.. So, maaf.. Fa mesti ngelepasin ini ke seseorang ato sesuatu.. Supaya tenang gitu.. ^^" Sori.
me and my BIG MOUTH ;) | 9:44 PM.