
Friday, January 15, 2010

Jadi gue ga lulus ujian OSCE (Skill Lab). Damn Damn :(
I presume that this is because fikiran gue udah terpecah belah: YARSI (nama universitas tempat gue currently menjadi mahasiswa - but not for long) dan kepindahan.

About the moving part..
Jadi, gue pindah (I have mentioned this in my last post).

Short flashbacks of what had happened in the past few weeks:
Nyokap gue finally dapet berita tentang kepindahannya and it'll be to Bogota, Colombia. If you're thinking about Columbia district yang ada di A.S berarti lo salah besar. Colombia yang gue maksud letaknya di South Amerika, jadi masuknya ke Amerika Latin (note: Amerika dan Amerika Latin are way too different things). Bogota itu lebih identik ke.. Apa ya.. Telenovela, mafia, dll. Mother tongue nya bukan English; mereka pake Spanish. So this is the thing: I don't understand Spanish. It's either gue stay di Jakarta atau move ke negara terdekat dari Amerika Latin. And since I'm the only daughter in the family and my Mom can't bear to live distances from me, jadi gue direncanakan untuk pindah ke negara terdekat: A.S.

Dream come true, eh?

Yah.. I surely wouldn't put it that way karena ternyata untuk menjadi dokter di A.S ga segampang di Indonesia. This is the pathway to be a doctor in the U.S:
  1. Bachelor Degree 4 tahun. Lo bisa ambil B.A, B.S.. Up to you. Choose what you're good at, as long as you take the prerequisites (Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics) dan GPA (baca: IPK) lo di atas 3.5, then you're save.
  2. Medical School 3 tahun. Biasanya, kalo lo ngambil Bachelor Degree di universitas bagus macam Rice University di Texas atau Stanford di California dan lo punya semua yang gue sebutin di point pertama, lo bisa dianggap save. But still.. To get to be in a Medical School, lo harus bisa lulus tes masuknya (baca: MCAT). Biasanya banyak yang menawarkan tutor buat tes ini. Yah macam SNMPTN kalo di Indonesia.
  3. Intership 2 tahun. Semacam koas/klinik/koskap di Indonesia. Bedanya, anak-anak FK di Indonesia biasanya di kirim ke daerah terpencil di every parts of Indonesia, kalau mereka.. Yah.. Mereka bisa memilih untuk internship di Indonesia (sarcasm: real thanks for AFTA!)
Jadi totalnya 9 tahun.
I presume that I'll be an old lady by then :(

Kapan gue kawinnya ya?

Anyway, gue adalah tipetipe orang yang suka berifikar terlalu jauh kedepan. Jadi begitu Nyokap bilang, "you're being transferred to US", hal pertama yang ada di fikiran gue adalah: Omg. Gue gabakal punya laptop lagi.

Jadi gini, setiap murid di YARSI (khusus angkatan gue), dikasih laptop gratis dengan catatan:
  1. Harus lulus dari YARSI.
  2. Tidak DO (kalau DO laptop dikembalikan)
  3. Tidak mengundurkan diri (kalau mengundurkan diri laptop dikembalikan)
Berarti gue kudu ngembaliin laptop, kan?
Kecewa karna Nyokap baru bisa beliin laptop sekitar bulan Agustusan ("Kamu fikir, tuition fee kamu disana berapa? Nanti aja beli laptopnya!"), gue coba search internet, kalikali ada yang mau ngasi laptop gratis. Dan ternyata

Jadi gue buka situs ini. Katanya, Asus bikin lomba blogging, hadiahnya Eee PC Seashell! OMG. Padahal Eee PC Seashell kan keren banget. Bentuknya agak cembung gitu, mungkin karna itu dinamain Seashell, kali ya? Gue naksir berat soalnya High Glossy IMR gitu. Pokoknya spesifikasinya kurang lebih gini:
Gue aga kurang ngerti bahasa komputer, tapi yang jelas, gue langsung jatuh cintrong gitu sama modelnya. Apalgi waktu gue buka situs Alnect, ternyata Eee PC Seashell buatan Asus ini udah sold out! Berarti laris, kan? Yang gue seneng lagi, ini kan notebook, jadi ga berat (about 1-inch and 1-kg). Cocok banget buat mahasiswa yang sering ketiban tugas. Terus ada 1.3M Camera segala, lumayan banget buat Skype-an sama pacar nanti kalo uda di US ihiy :) Pokoknya gue mau, gue ngidam, dan gue harus dapet Eee PC Seashell ini! :DD

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me and my BIG MOUTH ;) | 12:02 PM.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

So I'm moving to the US.
It's still on process, but I'll be moving on July/August.
I just want to let people know in advance..
That's why I called my boyfriend last night to tell him about this.

He was upset.
In fact, maybe he is still upset.

He's been having this feeling of me leaving him for my own good.
I know that it's going to be hard for us because I'll be leaving on August, the happiest month of our relationship (we'll have our 2nd year anniversary on the next August this year).
So I perfectly know how he feels about it.

Because I'm feeling it too.

You know, we have this huge dream about us being Mr and Mrs, and somehow the news of me moving out abroad ruins everything.. Because I can only return to him on 2014.
He won't be seeing me for 4 years and I know that it's tough for him because we haven't really have this proper relationship. We have always been hiding from my Mom. She doesn't accept him. And to think that he went to Bandung to get approval from my Mom. He felt that.. All this time he's struggling to get to be in a good college just to get approval from my Mom.. All his pain this whole time to be far from me will just be pointless.

I tried to make him feel better by telling him that I'll be waiting for his proposal when I eventually get back (and yes, I really hope he will propose me), but somehow he just got this miserable that anything I did was actually a waste of time.

I am miserable for thinking that I'll be leaving my life here and trying to make a new life there.
I am also miserable for thinking I'll be leaving my future life feeling also miserable here.

But we have to move on, right?

We have to, don't we?

Don't we?

me and my BIG MOUTH ;) | 10:24 AM.


in her late 20. a girl on the go. med school student. elsevier student ambassador. member of student executive board at campus: strategy review department. was in auburn, united states. now stays in a flat somewhere in ciputat. and yes, the hip above is definitely mine.

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